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February 20, 2010
Perhaps you wait until March 21st to declare that it's Spring. Â But here in San Francisco, we're so confused about what season it is, what with the torrents of rain one day and warm sunny skies the next, that it's perfectly acceptable to mix it up a bit.
The lastest window display at Sunset Pet Supply is blooming with Springtime gratitude. Â Initially I had a hard time picking out which quote or lyrics I wanted to include. Â Would it be Gratitude by The Beastie Boys? Perhaps something by Proust? Then I discovered the maddening process of stenciling and voila, one of the shortest quotes, by Henry Ward Beecher, won! Â And the flood of gratitude I felt when I was done with the sign was enormous, so you could say, the theme came full circle.
If you are in San Francisco, please visit Sunset Pet Supply at 2226 Taraval Street - mention that you are there to see the window and get 10% off your purchase.
"Gratitude is riches." -Doris Day
December 08, 2009
A winter wonderland has appeared in the window of Sunset Pet Supply in San Francisco. Â I am very excited to be doing window displays again! Never mind the sleepless nights, tossing and turning over how to string a million cotton balls, repeatedly pricking my finger with the needle, or finding glitter inside my shoes for weeks later. Â These are paltry considerations when you think of the possibility that a mannequin could come alive and turn out to be your soul mate! Â It happened in the movie Mannequin, right? Â Wait a second, I'm not working with any mannequins right now, and I'm not sure I want the skiing moose to come alive...
If you are in San Francisco, check out the display at 2226 Taraval Street - mention that you are there to see the window and get 10% off your purchase!
October 13, 2009
After a whirlwind weekend, I am finally getting a chance to download my pictures from the lovely book signing with Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler, the authors of Good Mail Day. Â Amidst a sea of cupcakes and friendly faces, lovers of mail art mingled and tried not to look at their iphones. It was inspiring, and even though I'm pretty sure the raffle was fixed, I took my new copy of GMD home and eagerly read every page. Why this could be a windfall for you: write me a letter and find out.
September 20, 2009
The sun and wind couldn't keep the scrappy and resilient book lovers from enjoying another SFCB Roadworks Steamroller Print Fair. This was the first year I traded in my volunteer apron to be a vendor, and it was a lot of fun. Â I was lucky enough to share table and shade space with the lovely Carolee of Podpost and Super Dilettante, and the talented "SFCB featured artist," Michael Wertz. (his large cut linoleum was gorgeous!). Â My little lino owl came out pretty well, though I think I will need to invest in some higher end carving tools (that's right, I'm blaming my tools), for next year's edition. There were so many incredible little linos, I literally wanted to buy them all. (if any of you are interested in purchasing these fine works of art, SFCB is having an auction in October.)
August 15, 2009
I resisted the blog for as long as I could. But since I'm joining the ranks, I thought I may as well do so with style. Not only have I been given license to share my innermost (and fascinating) musings on life, but now I can also make stuff up. Of course, I wouldn't do that to you, my dear reader. Everything you read here is true. Mostly.
So here, for your enjoyment, allow me to share my definitions for blognipotent and other words I made up.
Function: noun
1 : the quality or state of being blognipotent, the feeling one gets from reading another's blog and then thinking that you know everything about them (and sometimes about everyone else too) 2 : an agency or force of unlimited power that results from reading a blog
blognipotently adverb
blognipotent adjective
Function: noun
1 : a creation of the imaginative faculty brought on by reading another's blog, often involving you meeting a blog author where you casually mention your extensive knowledge of (insert appropriate topic here), all the while admitting no previous knowledge of them or their favorite topic, thus making them fall madly in love/lust/admiration with/for you
2 : a chimerical or blogtastic notion
Function: noun
one who peruses another's blog obsessively, including memorizing obscure references and hints in the hopes of determining the author's exact location (What was that? Did he mention the goat cheese pizza special? I think I know what restaurant he's talking about! I must go there now.)
blogking verb
Editor's note: Try to stay away from this tendency, because while wearing adult diapers so one can drive 30 hours in hot pursuit may seem like a good idea at the time, it's actually a real turn off.
Function: verb
The act of talking about a blog so incessantly and/or including mindless (and dull) minutiae, to the point that the listener/reader can actually feel redness and chaffing
Function: noun
a sudden shooting pain in the head caused by ingesting too much blog (like a brain freeze)
Editor's note: Should you become enervated by blog freeze, step away from the computer and attempt to interact with the three dimensional people. Yes, they can be scary, but you can do it.