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May 29, 2013
Hello friends,
It's almost Memorial Day, and just in case you've come down with a case of Senioritis (which of course can be applied to many things long after school is over), please consider this email as one more way to stick it to your to-do list. Speaking of to-do lists, I never was able to cross off "send April Newsletter," from mine, for which I have no good excuse. Except that I had to re-watch every episode of Arrested Development to prepare for much anticipated 4th season. So that's legit, right?!
Thank you, that's what I thought you would say. If you're an AD fan, you must check out NPR's delightfully obsessed guide to gags from the show.
Since we last checked in, Button Club got colorful, (featuring guest artist Serena Mitnik-Miller) and put a bird on it, (featuring guest artist Albert Campbell). If you don't know what I'm talking about, imagine a world where you get fresh, new art delivered to your mailbox every month. Side effects may include unbridled happiness, lucky breaks, and the fulfillment of your wildest dreams.*
(*Okay, so technically I can't promise any of that, but when was the last time a bill, or a "dear occupant" letter got you this excited? I rest my case. Subscribe now.)
Lest you think it's only about buttons around here, check out these new sets of super strong magnets: I love New York, and I love Veronica Mars. I've also been knitting up a brand new line of super soft hats (in adult and baby sizes), made with organic, hand-dyed merino wool and natural alpaca, available exclusively at General Store in San Francisco.
Until next time!
p.s. Want to get this newsletter delivered to your inbox? Sign up here.
September 03, 2020
August 11, 2020
July 27, 2020
There are a few different sections to most dating profiles, and today we're going to cover stats and preferences, specifically your age, your height, your current relationship status, and what you’re looking for. I'm focusing on these areas because this is where I see the most confusion, especially for single men, but the advice can apply to anyone, and the guidelines are for every part of your profile.