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February 23, 2011
You might say I got a little carried away with the Guilty Pleasures theme at the latest San Francisco Mixtape Society gathering, "a quarterly event dedicated to the delicate art of the mixtape." At the peril of my street credibility, I will post my track listings here. Just remember, it was all in the name of art and music, and in should in no way be held against me.
The first compilation is a Vertical Sampling with one track (plus some bonus tv show themes) from each year, spanning 1970 through 2008. The second compilation, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do," had to be edited down from it's original version of two hours long! I traded in my mixes for three others, two of which ended with the same Backstreet Boys track. You can't get much more guilty than that.
September 03, 2020
August 11, 2020
July 27, 2020
There are a few different sections to most dating profiles, and today we're going to cover stats and preferences, specifically your age, your height, your current relationship status, and what you’re looking for. I'm focusing on these areas because this is where I see the most confusion, especially for single men, but the advice can apply to anyone, and the guidelines are for every part of your profile.